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Oh Baby!

A life saver? A small piece of Heaven? A saver of the mom’s sanity? Or you can just call it the Baby Care Center at Disney. Whatever you...

Main Street Melt Down

Picture it. You're on Main Street in Magic Kingdom. The smell of the delicious Main Street Confectionary is in the air. A cast member...

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Spoiler alert, even at the most magical place on earth, your 3 year old will still be doing 3 year old things. Kids will be kids right? Right. Except when you've spent thousands and drove across country for your chance to soak up the magic. Learn through my (and others) failures on how to save the magic. That's exactly what Magic Mamma is all about, tips and tricks to save the magic when you find yourself feeling more like Maleficent than Mickey Mouse. 

Sure, we all love sites about discounts on rooms and tickets but when my 3 year old is losing their mind on Main Street in Magic Kingdom, I need help and tips and more help (SOS!). What started out as weekly funny posts has evolved into a a way for me to help others!

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